The Planning and Development Bill (the Bill) makes a number of changes to the environmental assessment regime under Irish planning law. Developers should be aware of their obligations under the Bill before it is enacted.

The Bill defines “project” for the first time and ties the need for environmental assessment back to plans or projects which require consent. The Bill also reflects Irish and European court decisions in the field of environmental law – for example, now clarifying and enshrining in legislation that “up-to-date reliable data” must be used when carrying out an appropriate assessment.

Perhaps most noticeably, the language and formatting has been made more user-friendly and simplified, from what had become an overly complex and intricate regime under the Planning and Development Act 2000. This will be welcome across all industries.

Our Environmental & Planning Team is paying close attention to the Bill as it passes through the Oireachtas and will post all relevant updates here.

For further information on this topic, please contact Alison Fanagan, Consultant, or any member of A&L Goodbody’s Environmental & Planning team.